Bradbourne Mill
Extract from "Derbyshire Watermills – Corn Mills – Alan
Gifford – published by Midland Wind and Water Mills Group
ISBN 0951779435
This three-storey stone corn mill is still standing on
the A524 road to Bakewell, some four miles north of Ashbourne. It is just
back from the road where it bends, near Tissington Ford. The mill is built
into the hillside and although disused from about 1923 represents an
interesting variation on the normal mill encountered in Derbyshire.
The stone building, which carries the date 1726, is shown
on a whole range of maps starting with Burdett’s survey of 1767. The mill is
complete with a garner above and had a coal fired kiln alongside, although
the ventilation ducts were removed when the building was re-roofed in about
1966. Behind the mill is a dried up mill pond which had been fed by an
extensive system of leats, the water supply from the Bradbourne Brook having
been cut some years ago. Water from the pool passed under the path to the
miller’s cottage and fed two overshot waterwheels, located on the north side
of the building. These were offset from each other and their iron pentroughs
are still in place, as is the framing of an iron waterwheel of about 12ft in
diameter. The other wheel was said to have been wooden construction but has
been removed. The tail race runs under the road and emerges close to
Tissington Ford.
Inside the mill most of the original machinery was still
in place in 1996, although at that date completely submerged under the
debris of years. There are three pairs of millstones still in place, one
pair was measured at 54ins diameter but the type of stone could not be
determined. The vats and associated furniture are still intact. In the
ground floor the iron pit wheels and wallowers are visible and whilst one
set of stones used a screw tenter adjustment, another has the old type lever
and peg system, with multiple staggered holes in the vertical support giving
fine adjustment to the separation of the stones. The remains of a wire
machine and sack hoist are also still in place. The mill last worked in
1923, probably under the control of Frank Wright Ltd of Ashbourne, although
an attempt to get it working again in the 1940s apparently failed.
Simmons reports that in 1815 John Bustons of Bradbourne
Mill was in prison in Macclesfield jail for debt. However, he also recorded
that a partnership between John Buxton, Thomas Dawes and Walter Buxton was
dissolved in 1800 and that John Buxton would carry on the business. It seems
reasonable that the earlier reference to Bustons should therefore read
Buxton. Millers mentioned in the trade directory include: Joseph Jarrett
1835-1876, Joseph Gerrard 1876, Elijah Hall 1881, Frank Wright Ltd 1891-1912
(also at Ashbourne).
An interesting investigation into timbers associated with
the mill dam about 1 mile upstream, at Springs Bridge by R Morgan et al, was
reported in Volume 100 of the Derbyshire Archaeological Journal. During land
drainage work in the bed of the disused mill dam a number of well preserved
but very blackened timbers were discovered. They appeared to form part of
the sluice gate of a breached dam wall and it was considered they could be
very ancient. However examination by radiocarbon dating techniques at
Harwell unexpectedly confirmed that the tree from which the timber had been
cut had been felled in the winter of 1836-37 and was therefore of relatively
modern origin.

This is the last Will and Testament of Samuel
Gerrard of Bradbourne
Proven 18/4/1835 of Bradbourne
The Last Will and Testament of Samuel Gerrard of
Bradbourne, Proven 18/4/1835.
This is the last Will and Testament of me Samuel Gerrard
of Bradbourne in the County of Derby Miller and Farmer. First I will and
direct that all my past debts funeral and testamentary expenses be fully
paid satisfied and discharged by my Executrix and Executor hence after
named, I give and bequeath to my Wife Mary Gerrard all my stock in trade
also all my farming stock both live and dead all my household furniture,
dairying and brewing utensils, plate, linen, glass, china and all other
effects that I stand possessed of at the time of my decease, together with
all my monies and securities for money, whatsoever and whosesoever, and in
whosoevers hands the same may be placed during the term of her natural life
if she shall so long continue my Widow, but if aforesaid wife Mary Gerrard
shall not continue my Widow, then at the time of her marrying again I give
and bequeath all my before mentioned property to my several children (Viz)
John Gerrard, Elizabeth Gerrard, Joseph Gerrard, Mary Gerrard and Judith
Gerrard share and share alike but if she shall continue my Widow during the
term of her natural life then after her decease all I bequeathed to her I
give and bequeath to my before mentioned children to be divided amongst them
as she and my executor herein after named may think proper. And lastly I do
nominate constitute and appoint my aforesaid Wife Mary Gerrard and Joseph
Johnson of Sitterlow in the Parish of Parwich in the County of Derby Farmer
Executrix and Executor of this my last Will and Testament, And I do hereby
utterly disalow, revoke and disanul, all and every other former Testaments,
Wills, Legacies bequests, and Executors by me in anywise before named,
Willed, and bequeathed, ratifying and conforming this and no other, to be my
last Will and Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
seal this twenty eight day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand
Eight Hundred and Thirty Five.
Signed Samuel Gerrard
X His Mark
Signed, sealed published, pronounced, and declared, by
the said Samuel Gerrard as his last Will and Testament, in the presence of
us, who in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto
subscribed our names.
Frances Gent
John Bowler

provided and transcribed by Keith